So after an indulgent weekend making 3cm deep caramel slice (it can have my babies), lemon tarts, and passionfruit melting moments, I decided this week would be one of health. You know, to cancel out the baking batter overdose of Saturday and Sunday.
But then Monday came along. Sneaky, sneaky Monday. I had a doctor's appointment, for which my bladder needed to be full. That is actually no lie - the appointment forms clearly said "drink one litre of water 2 hours before the appointment". I forgot to though, so compensated by drinking about 3 litres 15 minutes before I walked in. My bladder was resulting full for, oh, I dont know, THE NEXT TWO DAYS!
But I digress...anyways, Monday, as well as being the day I had to go to the doctor's, was also the birthday of a special friend, who we will call George (of the Jungle ... if we are using proper names). Therefore, I had to make a birthday cake. Just had to. Had to eat half the icing mixture too. Just had too.
Then had to decorate it like a race track. George is fascinated by the technology - it makes a change from the Jungle. Probably didnt need pedestrians on the racetrack, but decided to put them on anyway - it gave me an excuse to buy jelly babies.
To sum up: Monday was not healthy. And by that stage, Health Week seemed doomed. But rather than wallowing in anti-health guilt, I have decided to embrace it. Bring on Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. HELLS YEAAAA.
Now as a side note, I cannot claim the idea for No Health Week. See, it is a concept poached from my dear friends who invented No Health Sunday, and then No Health Year.
No Health Sunday was born from the days of No Judgement Saturday. On Saturdays (game days) you're technically (yes, technically - there is a rule book, players) allowed to do whatever you want and no-one can judge you. You can drink/wear/kiss whatever you want, and there's no judgement. Clearly though, this leads to some massive repercussions of the hangover variety, which consequently requires a need for a designated No Health Sunday - where you can eat/smoke/drink whatever you like, in order to speed up the recovery process.
It's interesting to note that often, No Judgement Saturday and No Health Sunday merge. This normally happens at about 4am in the cross when you're eating stolen Oportos. And you're wearing one shoe.
The concept of No Health Year is harder to navigate. It works like this: The world will end in 2012 (Google it), so we should all live life to the fullest before then. That is the reason why 2010 is No Judgement Year. You can do whatever you want - as long as you're having fun. If you're a guy you can listen to Taylor Swift in the morning, sitting in only your grey undies, whilst having a breakfast beer, and no one can judge you. I know this, because I saw it happen.
Anyways, After No Judgement Year comes No Health Year - that'll be 2011. You can be as unhealthy as you like because, once 2012 comes, you've gotta hit the gym. Gotta be fit for all the running we'll be doing trying to avoid the Raptors... Because once the Raptor plague hits - we're doomed. And the world will end. Sorry, but it's true. (Google it).
Photo from * And how frickin funny is it!? Ha